Breastfeeding Class

You may be thinking, "Breastfeeding is natural, so what is there to learn?" 

It may be natural, but, just like walking, it is a learned skill.  In this class, you will learn the most important things you can do to get off to a good start. Including, the number one most important thing you can do now!

Providing your baby with their perfect food.

You will have a clear understanding of how breastfeeding works and critical tips to avoid the most common problems. What if there are problems?  In this class, you will discover the warning signs for breastfeeding problems and what steps you can take to get back on track. This class is taught by Bianca Wooden an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

  • October 22nd 2pm - 5pm

    December 10th 2pm - 5pm

  • Small in person group, in Ocean Springs

  • $50

  • This class is approximately 3 hours.

  • This class is designed for pregnant families. We encourage partners or primary support persons to attend along with the breastfeeding parent.